3.4.1 Academic Program Approval
The institution demonstrates that each educational program for which academic credit is awarded is approved by the faculty and the administration.
JUDGMENT: Compliant
Each educational program at Southwest Texas Junior College is created, reviewed, and changed by the faculty and administration. The SWTJC Faculty Handbook outlines the basic faculty roles in the planning, development, and approval of educational programs. The roles and responsibilities of Division Chairs and Program Coordinators, who have teaching duties, in these processes is also delineated in the Handbook. Likewise, the Handbook outlines the roles of Academic administrators in the planning, development, and approval of those programs.
The SWTJC Curriculum Committee serves as the College’s official recommending body for reviewing new or revised course/program offerings, deletions, and curriculum changes and for reviewing new or revised educational policies and procedures. Both faculty and administration contribute to the deliberations and decisions of this committee. The SWTJC Faculty Handbook provides the procedures required for presenting an item to the Committee. The forms required for processing any proposed curriculum change are provided on the Curriculum and Instruction web site. Relevant Curriculum Committee recommendations are submitted to the President’s Cabinet for consideration (approval/disapproval).
SWTJC Faculty Handbook, 2014 p. 31-34
SWTJC Faculty Handbook, 2014 pp. 25-28
SWTJC Faculty Handbook, 2014 pp. 12 & 19
SWTJC Faculty Handbook, 2014 p. 120
SWTJC Faculty Handbook, 2014 pp. 53-55
SWTJC Curriculum Submission Form
SWTJC Course Change Form
SWTJC Curriculum Minutes Sample
SWTJC President Cabinet Roster